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Vanguard Economics assisted the Royal Danish Embassy in Kampala in hosting a delegation of six Danish companies operating within agri-business and agri-tech.

The delegation, led by the Danish Agriculture and Food Council, had a three-day visit to Rwanda between 8-10th September 2021.

The purpose of the delegation’s visit was to build partnerships with local businesses and organisations in order to promote growth and business opportunities for Rwanda and Denmark alike.

Rwanda represents an attractive business opportunity for foreign companies to invest and operate in. Amongst some of the key selling points that attract foreign companies are: 1) Rwanda offers a safe, liveable, and good business climate, 2) Rwanda offers a gateway to East and Central Africa and, 3) Rwanda is a high-growth economy under transition.

The table below shows the key drivers of investment among companies with operations in Rwanda.

Source: Rwandna Investor Perception Survey – Investors based in Rwanda

Danish businesses can play an important role in providing technology solutions while creating growth and jobs in Rwanda. The companies in the Danish Agric-business delegation, many of them world leaders in their field, are offering innovative solutions such as mobile container abattoirs, high-quality milling systems, post-harvest handling solutions, food analysis testing systems etc.

Vanguard had facilitated a series of meetings with relevant local stakeholders for the Danish Agri-business delegation’s three-day visit in Rwanda. Some of the highlights during the visit are listed below:

  • RDB Deputy Director General, Zephanie Niyonkuru, welcomed the delegation and gave a presentation about the business environment in Rwanda. The presentation was well received, and the delegation interacted actively.

  • The Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Gerardine Mukeshimana, the Director General of RAB, Patrick Karangwa, and the Chief Technical Adviser of MINAGRI Eric Gatera, welcomed the delegation. Each of the companies in the delegation introduced themselves and their areas of interest. Following the presentations, there was a lively debate. The Minister expressed a keen interest in the technologies presented by the companies.
  • Lunch meeting with the EU Ambassador, the Head of Cooperation for the EU, the European Business Chamber and as well as a Danish entrepreneur operating in Rwanda, and a Rwandese business owner. Each of the invited guests gave a presentation to the delegations with their perspectives and experiences with doing business in Rwanda and the opportunities.

Following the lunch meeting, two of the companies from the delegation scheduled a meeting with some of the guest speakers.

  • Day trip to Bugesera where the delegation first visit- ed ABUSOL Ltd, a 14-hectare poultry farm with more than 100,000 chicks. Afterward, the delegation went to Gako Farm, a cattle and goat production scheme on 4,500 hectares of land. And last, the delegation visited- ed Rwanda Institute for Conservation Agriculture, an agriculture education institution with a strong focus on hands-on learning. During the visit to Bugesera, the delegation captured some valuable first-hand experiences and established an important first contact with potential future business partners.

  • During the third and last day of the delegation’s visit, the companies went to individual meetings with local companies and organisations in particular interest of the single company.

Overall, the visit resulted in a rewarding exchange of ideas between the delegation and the Rwandese hosts, and several new business relations were established.

Both the Danish Ambassador of Kampala and the Danish Agric-delegation extended their utmost gratitude towards the people, institutions and organisations who welcomed them and provided valuable insights for their future ventures in Rwanda.